Benchmark - 89KST30

Benchmark Number 89KST30
Established In 2002
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.884922
Longitude -73.277093
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description MTQ tablet on an iron rod stamped 89KST30 and set vertically on the concrete sidewalk on the west side of the corner of Notre-Dame and St-Antoine streets (facing 1370 Notre-Dame Street). The marker is located 14.90 m from a beacon on a H-Q pole, 1.15 m from the edge of the pavement, 26.20 m from the northwest corner of the convenience store and 17.07 m from the southwest corner of the convenience store.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2002-10-03 17.762 ACTIVE CD