Benchmark - 70-U-676
Benchmark Number | 70-U-676 |
Established In | 1970 |
Condition | DESTROYED |
Latitude | 42.666111 |
Longitude | -81.21 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | NA |
Description | A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 70-U-676 set in water tower, on top of steep hill, 0.32km northeast of town hall, located between house numbers 222 and 226 Prospect St., tablet in top of concrete foundation, 1.0m south of steel ladder, 30cm from east wall. Water Tower and foundation removed. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 35.522 | ACTIVE | CDIGLD1985 |
N/A | 209.02 | ACTIVE | IGLD85 |