Benchmark - TBM 2133 - Yellow Paint

Benchmark Number TBM 2133 - Yellow Paint
Established In N/A
Condition GOOD
Latitude 63.727944
Longitude -68.529028
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A yellow paint dot located on the Northside of causeway, painted on bedrock. The dot is marked TBM 2133. BM is located 44.3 m west of FB 1-1968 on top of rock outcrop. Descriptions updated in 2023 based on field notes due to construction at New Port and Causeway. Coordinates taken with GPS accuracy +/- 2m. Condition changed from destroyed to good. Appears to have been repainted. Note: Latitude and longitude to be used only for locating benchmark only; not for accurate horizontal positioning. Repainted in 2014. Updated 2014 BM elevations based on WL transfer form on 2019-01-23.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2014-02-01 12.096 HISTORICAL CD
2006-01-01 11.685 HISTORICAL CD
2023-07-24 12.098 ACTIVE CD