Benchmark - 86L9096

Benchmark Number 86L9096
Established In 1986
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.61
Longitude -71.958056
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description CHS convex zinc tablet stamped 86L9096, set vertically on a concrete base of a skeleton tower (alignment light) on the north side of the old church road, between a tennis court and street address 34, 1.2 m from the centre of the tower, near the north leg. The BM is located 10.70 m from a beacon on a H-Q utility pole, 0.36 m from the northwest coast of the concrete base, 0.33 m from the northeast coast of the concrete base, 3.92 m from the edge of the pavement and 18.38 m from the east corner of street address 34.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2015-04-15 11.121 ACTIVE CD