Benchmark - 86K0792

Benchmark Number 86K0792
Established In 2001
Condition GOOD
Latitude 47.022611
Longitude -70.927556
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description MRNQ convex tablet stamped 86K0792, set vertically on the central median of Sainte-Anne Boulevard, at the intersection with Regina Street, 122 m from the end of the median. The marker is located 17.37 m from a beacon, 12.35 m from the northeast corner of a ventilation shaft, 12.45 m from the southeast corner of a ventilation shaft, 2.03 m from the north-east end of the fence and 18.07 m from lamppost No. 4-7.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2013-07-17 8.158 ACTIVE CD